about the lavender boys!

hello everyone! my name is noah and I am a 24 year old trans man from Southern California. the lavender boys is a non profit fundraising organization run by just myself. I named this organization after one of my favorite movies, The Lost Boys. why? because the only thing cooler than vampires is trans people. my goal is to each month raise funds for other transgender people for anything that they need. the funds can be used for gender affirming surgeries/hormones/medical treatment, binders, gender affirming things (haircuts/new clothes/ect), financial support, and anything that will help make their life easier. I'm starting off small with a goal of one fundraiser each month; and hope that this can expand to something bigger than me. thank you for taking the time to read this, and I really hope you would consider purchasing something in order to help other transgender people in need. 

thank you for taking the time to read this! with love, noah.